Simon Steenholm

Simon Steenholm

Simon was dyslexic, behind in school, and saw no future for myself. However at 22 he made his first million due to bravery, quirkiness and being unconventional. He went from shipping to kitchen decor, bathrooms, solariums, swimming pools, shares and currencies, houses and buildings. Everything he touched turned to gold but his health hit rock bottom. At 32 he ran away to travel the world for 3 years. Landing in Borneo he stayed in the jungle with the Iban people for eight years, leaving with a son as a completely different person. He became a keynote speaker, started 'laughter clubs' and quit smoking courses. Set up the "Mind fitness center " losing everything he owned. Went back to Malaysia and set up a travel company to bring Scandinavian tourists to Borneo. Another success. However his love was "personal development " – and by that time the idea of a "Mind Fitness Center" popped up again - this time via the Internet - and