Justin Locke

Justin Locke

Justin Locke is an author, playwright, and contributor to the discussion on management philosophy. In his upcoming book, "Renaissance 2.0," he asserts that the management systems of the industrial revolution are obsolete. The “new” model for work in the digital era is the culture of artists, as any work not requiring raised consciousness and total emotional involvement will be done by computers and robots (wonderful news). Justin is uniquely qualified to talk about artistic approaches to leadership. He played bass in the Boston Pops for 18 years, working with Arthur Fiedler, John Williams, and other top conductors. He managed the Bose Philharmonic, and his musical plays for children are performed in major concert halls worldwide. He has been an “author@google” and is a guest co-host on CBS Radio. Justin authored "Principles of Applied Stupidity," a pragmatic guide to using the Dilbert Principle, and "Real Men Don’t Rehearse," a laugh-out-loud memoir of his Boston Pops years.