Michele  Spear

Michele Spear

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It kills more women each year than all cancers combined. 90% of women have at least one risk factor. Are you at risk?

Some women do not know they are at risk because they have no symptoms until a heart attack. Many women do not know the symptoms of a heart attack. They miss them and their doctor may miss them. Heart disease has been considered a man’s disease, even though it is becoming more prevalent among women.

Women are at risk too. We need to know whether or not we are at risk. We need to know what we can do about our risk.

Hi. I am Michele. I am a Certified Wellness Coach. I am at risk for heart disease.

My mission is to work with women that struggle with cholesterol and/or have a family history of heart disease. They want to live a healthier lifestyle, using a natural approach. I am here to offer encouragement, provide an education, and assist with exploration.

You can learn about me, what I do, and how we can work together by reviewing the information on this website and/or by contacting me. www.inspearationalhealth.com