Tracy  Riccetti

Tracy Riccetti

In July 2012, she discovered Reiki as an avenue of wellness for herself and others. On her Reiki journey, she began as a client and by March 2013 had become a certified practitioner at the 3a ART level in the Usui/Tibetian tradition. In September 2014, she also received an attunement for the Seven Sacred Flames Reiki from her teacher, Anthony Wojnar DD, RMT. This variety of Reiki will launch publicly on a retreat to Mount Shasta in California in May of 2015. She is currently working with Anthony to co-write his manual. In April 2014, she became certified in the practice of Soft Touch at Griffin Hospital in Derby, CT. In November 2013, she opened a free Reiki clinic as an adjunct to the national LiveSTRONG program for cancer survivors at her local YMCA. She continues to offer the gift of healing energy in her volunteer practice today. Along her path, she uncovered her creative vein in her love of writing, and uses it to deliver meaningful messages that warm the heart and soothe the soul.