Karolee Schloth M.Ed.

Karolee Schloth M.Ed.

Karolee is a spiritual channel, intuitive guide for healing, and teacher of self- empowerment. Her belief is that each of us holds the keys to our power within us, and can create the life of our dreams. She works with her Spirit guides and teachers to assist others in awakening to their gifts and what they truly came here on Earth to do. She basically teaches that there are 2 main tasks to do, to heal yourself. Let go of your blocks, your false beliefs, and bring in the energies of Light into your bodies. Her work expands on how to do this.

Karolee created the class, The Game of Earth, to remind us of who we truly are and what Earth is really all about. Her Guides encouraged her to teach the 13 rays of Creator, which exponentially expand the consciousness of the students who embark on the journey of the Rays. She also is a teacher of Drunvalo Melchezedeks's work, Awakening the Illuminated Heart.

