Gloria  Hemsher

Gloria Hemsher

Gloria was born in NJ and grew up in Delray Beach, Florida. Being psychically sensitive as a child and raised in a home where clairvoyance was the norm, she had many fascinating experiences. After moving to Gainesville, FL in the early 70’s, Gloria began structured studies in yoga and meditation, living for several years in an ashram. Over the next 10 years she worked as a professional photographer, managed a media production center, and taught photography at the local community college. After moving to Cincinnati and completing John Friedlander’s psychic awareness courses and years of personal work with John, Gloria co-authored Basic Psychic Development: A User’s Guide to Auras, Chakras and Clairvoyance (1999) and Basic Psychic Development (2011). She is a clairvoyant teacher/coach and is available for private readings, personalized phone classes and seminars. Gloria currently lives in Boston with her husband.