Bill  Wich

Bill Wich

After gaining his engineering degree from Notre Dame in 1971, Bill spent 26 years in the automotive industry. He started his spiritual journey when he had a spiritual awakening in 1990. He was initiated into the ManKind Project in 1991. He’s read hundreds of books, attended many workshops and was certified as a Hypno-Therapist in 1993. In addition to becoming the Leader Body Chair in MKP, Bill co-founded and led numerous different trainings, and has worked with boys, young men, women, men and convicts. Since 1999, Bill has co-lead over 40 trainings inside Folsom prison and in prisons in Boston and Wisconsin. He has developed his own unique healing approach that includes advanced parts work and Spirit Releasement techniques. His unique theory on how the Universe works unifies ancient wisdom teachings with the latest advancements in science and the humanities. He is currently leading The Next Step and Mystic Warrior Training sponsored by MKPLA.