John Ruhlin

John Ruhlin

John Ruhlin is ranked #1 in sales in the 65 year history of Cutco, one of the largest direct sales companies in the world. His ranking and broken records still stand among the 1 Million+ distributors that have walked through Cutco's doors. His firm specializes in teaching sales and marketing teams how to stand out, be memorable and become even more referable through "Appreciative Leadership". They also help firms develop and execute year round strategic gifting and appreciation programs to open up doors with impossible to reach C-level prospects, create employee engagement, drive referrals and sales with clients, and deepen all key stakeholder relationships. His clients span across all sizes and industries and includes many well known organizations. John's second book, "Appreciative Leadership" is due out at the end of this year. John lives outside of St. Louis and is married to his supportive wife Lindsay. He will soon be the father of 3 beautiful daughters.