Doris  Klomfar

Doris Klomfar

Doris resides in Vienna, Austria. She receives Angelic messages and expresses her creativity as an author and painter. On an energetic level she is there for humans, animals and Mother Earth – and she is an enthusiastic Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and self-help teacher! As a child already, as far as she can think back, she has been able to see and feel beings who guide and aid humans, animals and even plants. She can read the hearts of people and senses their thoughts, worries and fears and is aware of their contradictions. This ability has posed a huge challenge for her in daily life and is an ongoing one. Doris has lived through some intense times and can understand and relate to people with issues and disharmonies. It is all a learning process to love life just as it is and look at it with affection and courage. She is grateful to see the world through her own eyes and give her heart to it.