Amy Whoa

Amy Whoa

At age 13 I weighed over 200 pounds. I was confined to a wheelchair with no direction from my doctors or parents as to how I would heal. I had childhood arthritis in both knees, and a bone complication in my left foot, causing me to depend on crutches for over a year, and then a wheelchair. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I wanted to feel my body again, I wanted to run and play like other young teenagers. I threw down my crutches and realized anything would be less painful than a life like that.

Through the power of Richard Simmons’ Sweatin’ to the Oldies, and Deal-A-Meal, I miraculously healed myself and began a new life. These survival skills came back to help me through three life-threatening bicycle accidents as an adult where I was faced with injuries head to toe. I also use these tools to heal from painful break-ups. Whether it’s a broken leg, or a broken heart I will show you how using fun, fitness and healthy eating can cure whatever ails you.