Annabel Membrillo

Annabel Membrillo

My work focuses on the formal exploration and descriptive research of how Harmonic Vibrancy manifests in organizations in Mexico. I also facilitate dialogs, in small groups and large, and focus on generating strong communities. I strongly believe that we are living a special moment as humanity. Over the last few years, I have met many people who are thinking, feeling and acting differently. They are following new rules, new ways of connecting with others, and new ways of living. I observe a transformation in the world. There is still a lot to do, but we are living in a wonderful time. The ground is ready, and the tipping point of the shift in consciousness is here, and every one of us just needs to be open to “listen” to the call. I believe that Harmonic Vibrancy and Ecosynomics can speed up this shift in consciousness of humanity through naming the “movement” and connecting people living this way in a world community where the possibilities of what can be done will be infinite.