Mary Miller

Mary Miller

By the time Mary Miller was 30 she had met all of her career goals and came face to face with her overachieving, perfectionist, and workaholic self. One decision at a time she began to define and live her version of success. And now, Mary has discovered her passion to help women care enough about themselves to discover and claim their dreams. She is the founder of My Dream Catalyst which equips women to define their own version of success by offering articles, eBooks, and Books including The Birth of a Dream Catalyst: Unlocking the Dream from Within. The book is a fictional allegory about the transformational journey of a successful, yet unfulfilled, professional woman as she discovers the parts of herself that are holding her back. Mary is also a contributing writer for A Better Me Magazine. She is married to her best friend Gerad Miller and resides in Centerville, Ohio with the best dog in the world Thomas.