Sean Barron

Sean Barron

Sean was diagnosed with autism in January 1967 at age 5 after consistently exhibiting the classical symptoms - a profound lack of eye contact, speech and language delays, unexplained meltdowns, an abnormal fixation with objects, to name the most salient. At that time, however, little help and few resources were available, so his parents did everything they knew to advocate on his behalf and work with him to try to get him to connect with the world and other people.
Autism negatively impacted his childhood, teenage and adult years in a variety of ways, but at the root of his problems was that he had never learned basic social skills during his formative years. Instead, he lived in a self-created bubble to help him make sense of the world.
Sean has co-written two books-with his mother, Judy Barron, and Dr. Temple Grandin.The first chronicles struggles with autism and the second was written to help those on the spectrum better navigate in the complex world of social skills.