Nic Askew

Nic Askew

As a Film Maker, Poet and Speaker he travels the world helping foundations articulate their courageous pathfinding notions, organizations find and reveal their soul, and most importantly, human beings express the emotion of their pain, their joy, and much in between. His Soul Biographies series is followed faithfully by many around the world through his long running FILM OF THE WEEK. His insight on what it is that happens between the lens, the subject, and the viewer has profound implications for all. At 51, Nic is an Englishman living in the USA. With one wife, Caroline, who often reviews the films, and five children under twelve. If you count the dog and the cat, which he does. See BELOW for photographs. He travels the world with his camera, imagination and sometimes his family. And edits from an attic studio finding peace amongst the chaos.