Dr. Shuki Idan

Dr. Shuki Idan

Dr. Shuki Idan is the Head of Technology and Solutions Management at the SAP Labs Israel, overlooking the functionality and adoption of SAP Decision Management and Prescriptive Analytics technologies for Big Data and IoT solutions. Shuki globally owns the SAP HANA Rules Framework (HRF) and SAP Data Services Management (DSM) solutions. Prior to SAP, Shuki worked at Amdocs, Radvision, and the Israeli Defense Forces, as well as being involved in starting several companies and ventures. He is three times winner of the ACM KDD Cup for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, is the author of few dozen publications on harnessing predictive analytics to deliver optimal business solutions, and was one of the main contributors to the ITU standards that are foundation to the Multimedia and VoIP applications we use today.