Barbara Paget

Barbara Paget

Barbara Paget has been on a 13-year mission to answer a question that comes up all too often: “What can I do to help my friend or loved one who has cancer?” One answer will arrive on June 7 at the Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day. “No matter where I go the question, ‘What can I do?’ when someone is first diagnosed is universal,” said Paget. “So that is always in the back of my mind. ”Barbara created Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day in 2003 to provide a special day of complimentary beauty and spa services to cancer survivors regardless of when they were diagnosed. The event began with eight participating Highland Park businesses, and this year the list has grown to 32. “Mine is not a charity,” said Paget. “This is a win-win. It’s a win for the beauty shops to give back and it’s a win for the cancer survivors. The real beauty of the day is the support that it gives.” Cancer Survivor Day has become a nationwide event with participating businesses in all 50 states