Dr. Therese Huston

Dr. Therese Huston

Therese Huston, Ph.D. is looking to change the conversation about women as decision-makers. The New York Times calls her book, How Women Decide: What’s True, What’s Not and What Strategies Spark the Best Choices (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016) “required reading on Wall Street.” Therese is a cognitive scientist at Seattle University and she’s written for the New York Times and Harvard Business Review. Her first book, Teaching What You Don’t Know, was published by Harvard University Press and has made the common university practice of teaching outside one’s expertise a lot more manageable. Therese received her BA from Carleton College, a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University, and a prestigious post-doctoral fellowship with the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at the University of Pittsburgh. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, spend time with her husband and dog, and bake amazing gluten-free chocolate cake.