Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith, executive coach and author of MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back When You Need It!, delivers game-changing insight to finding personal momentum that fosters a successful career and a balanced lifestyle. The leading authority on improving workplace behavior, he empowers people by sharing: Four building blocks of Mojo - Identity, Achievement, Reputation, and Acceptance; The Mojo Toolkit - eleven specific actions that help one change; Simple exercises for improving workplace behavior, attitude, and productivity level; Mojo killers and how to turn negativity around; Eight arguments that occur at work and how to avoid them. The show informs and encourages listeners to achieve their career goals by featuring experts and business leaders on job search and career advancement. Show hosts are Ken and Sheryl Dawson, principals of Total Career Success, Inc. and authors of Job Search: The Total System. For 7 free videos go to www.betterjobbetterlife.com