Mary Kay Green, J.D.

Mary Kay Green, J.D.

Mary Kay Green is a Nebraska lawyer who was elected to the Omaha City Council in her senior year in law school. From l982 through l988, Ms. Green represented twenty-one year old Crystal Chambers, a single pregnant black woman in her race-sex and pregnancy discrimination case under the l978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the l964 Civil Rights Act against her employer the Omaha Girls Club, Inc., et al. It took Congress in the l991 Civil Rights Act, Section 105(a)(2), to force the Omaha Girls Club to stop discriminating. Chambers’ case had a role in the passage of that act. Ms. Green, the single mother of twin daughters Mary Kay and Elizabeth, is grandmother to Michael and Ms. Phelan and now resides near them in Kansas City, MO. Other works: a screenplay: ‘They Let Mothers in Law School?’ a book in progress entitled Sundance and Cherokee Moon about her spiritual journey with bi-polar illness.