Fantastic Frank Johnson

Fantastic Frank Johnson

He lives by the motto “Give Love in Every Moment.” It is something that he feels down to the bone and deep in the heart. Maybe this, expressed with sparkling eyes and unbound enthusiasm, is what makes him so captivating.
When you first meet him, he will already be loving you, wanting the best for you, willing to do anything in his power to help you, laughing with you, and getting right down to the nitty gritty of your life, as would a dear friend of many years. He is like this with everyone he meets, everywhere he goes, whether they be someone waiting in the same line, a CEO, a waitress, a professional colleague, a telemarketer, a high level consultant, a guest on his radio show, or a child. Your heart will want go out to him, if you let it.
Each traumatic brain injury (TBI) is different, from a mild concussion to a permanent disability. In Fantastic Frank’s case, something really magical happened. A deep compassion for mankind awakened. The typical social barriers of superficiality