Kaki  Hunter

Kaki Hunter

When I was a kid my favorite TV shows were musicals. I wanted to marry Gene Kelly and dance like Fred Astaire. It would take me a lifetime of diverse careers as model, actress, fiber artist, farmer, Professional Dirtbag Natural Builder, writer, baker, and a couple brushes with death to heed a calling to perform Shamanic Theatre. My husband Doni Kiffmeyer and I created OKOKOK Productions in 1994 out of a passion to inspire a Happy, Healthy Humanity in Harmony with All of Nature through storytelling, mixed media, performing arts, music, dance, practical living skills and natural building techniques. Together we co-authored Earthbag Building ~ The Tools, Tricks and Techniques and have taught natural building skills world wide. We created and produced Vipassana ~ The Musical! A story that follows the trials and triumphs of a yuppie woman’s experience during a ten day silent Vipassana meditation course. Our current project is the theater production Yo Mama ~ Un-canned! A one woman show.