Kevin  Savage

Kevin Savage

Mr. Savage began Law Enforcement career as a Patrol Officer for the City of Champaign, Illinois after serving in the U.S. Military for approximately 5 years. Kevin served over 26 years as a special agent with ATF. He spent 20 years on the South Texas Border; the last 9 as a Certified Explosives Expert and CFI conducting origin and cause examinations. He is an IAAI CFI. He was a member of ATF's NRT. As an ATF CFI and CES, his primary responsibility was to assist other agencies with fire investigations. His work has led to expert testimony in both state courts along with regional and national awards. Kevin instructed at the ATF National Center for Explosives Training and Research (NCETR); Missouri Law Enforcement Training Center, The South Texas Fire Investigator’s Association, the Missouri Chapter of the IAAI, Mexico Federal Police in Arson and Explosives, among others. He now conducts cause and origin investigations for FCII as a special investigator.