Ginger  Burr

Ginger Burr

Does your image reflect how extraordinary you are? If you avidly watch shows like "What Not to Wear" and think, "if only I could have a wardrobe makeover," but can't see how the transformation would translate for you, then Ginger Burr of Total Image Consultants can help. Over the past 30 years, Ginger has found that many women are ignoring, hiding, or are just plain unaware of their innate beauty. Whether you are 25 or 85, you deserve to feel radiant and pulled-together, and Ginger has something for everyone – whether it’s her body image, self-esteem and style home study program “Who Taught You How to Dress?”, her transformational ‘Your Style, Your Way’ workshop, private wardrobe and personal style programs, and her new book, That’s So You! Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace! In whatever way you choose, Ginger can help you find a style that brings you confidence, well-being, joy, and (yes!) you can even have fun! Find out more at