Florian  Wackermann

Florian Wackermann

Florian has lived, worked and graduated from universities in France, the US and Germany. He holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in managing positions in the food and the tire industry (current job). Besides, he is a motivational speaker with “profivortrag.de” giving presentations, workshops, and seminars around the world on leadership, reaching goals and the magic of Rotaract and Rotary. Volunteering and community involvement have been a priority throughout his life: in soccer, in politics or in the family of Rotary – with the Rotarian activities being the biggest part in the last years. He belongs to the Rotary Club of Germering in a suburb of Munich, Germany. Besides taking responsibilities at the club and district level, he served in Rotaract as co-chair of the global Rotaract and Interact Committee, as chairman of the German Multi-District Information Organization (MDIO) and as Leadership Development Trainer for German Rotaractors.