Steve  Jennings

Steve Jennings

Steve Jennings should not be alive. He should not be able to help build multi-million dollar businesses, coach thousands of people worldwide, or invigorate audiences on stage. 2Steve Jennings E. Germany Hospital Crushed in a brutal car crash and left for dead on the side of the road, he should not be able to walk, to run, to win two United States Silver Medals, be an All-American champion athlete, or to advise Fortune 500 companies. 171Steve Jennings Successful businessman, lawyer, corporate turnaround specialist, best-selling author, speaker and seminar leader in the achievement and leadership industries, Steve Jennings is a trusted consultant, advisor and mentor to some of the most successful individuals in the areas of business, education, sports, and life. From high-level CEO’s, university presidents, Major League All-Stars, to NFL All-Pro’s and Hall of Fame athletes and Olympians.