Mark Warnock

Mark Warnock

Mark Warnock, is a Molecular Hydration Specialist and a Certified Shiatsu Therapist Located in Southern California, in the Pasadena area, Mark Warnock is a very knowledgeable individual, especially where quality drinking water is concerned. Mark, as a young teenager, followed his father who was stationed in Okinawa - In the1970's there was a severe drought on the island and water had to be rationed, as the water supply lines were regularly turned off, we had to store water when it was available, drinking water sporadically available from the pluming had to be treated; boiling the H2O for at least 5 min or adding Clorox to the water was required before drinking . Honestly, one or 2 swallows of the Clorox mixture and you are not thirsty anymore. From that moment Mark realized chlorinated water was to be avoided at all costs; being overdosed with the chlorine in Japan made him ultra sensitive. Delighted to be re-stationed stateside and again have ample access to well water, Mark's search for cleaner sources of water started. He began to study the water that was available to him: tap, bottled, distilled, spring, well water, a large variety of different filter systems, he tried reverse osmoses systems, Ultraviolet Water Purifiers, Electronic Water Conditioners, and then in 2004 he purchased the Electron-4 a $3,000 water distilling system made with surgical stainless steel which was presented to him as "The Best". At the 2 year mark with the Electron-4, distilled water system which created an extra $300 monthly electric bill, he discovered that distilled water is devoid of minerals; his nails got soft and his immune system was compromised; he was prone to chronic colds and sinuous infections. Please Call me 800-748-8956 I am available to answer your questions and get you and your family on the path to wellness with Kangen Water Hydration Systems.