Radio Episodes
9/30/2019 encore-move-over-millennialsgeneration-z-is-here

Encore: Move over Millennials,Generation Z is here

Leadership Beyond Borders
Today is the first time we are working with four generations in the same workforce and by 2020 we will have five. We as leaders must address generational differences and most recently the hot topic was “how to manage millennials in the workforce”, but this topic is now obsolete. Listen Now

8/1/2017 move-over-millennialsgeneration-z-is-here

Move over Millennials,Generation Z is here

Leadership Beyond Borders
Today is the first time we are working with four generations in the same workforce and by 2020 we will have five. We as leaders must address generational differences and most recently the hot topic was “how to manage millennials in the workforce”, but this topic is now obsolete. Listen Now