David  Mascotti

David Mascotti

David Mascotti , Ph.D., has over 30 years of research experience helping to understand the fundamental mechanisms of gene expression and regulation to the role of iron on cellular functions to detailed explorations of how proteins function to prevent radical molecule production in cells. He received his BS from Hope College in Chemistry and his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in Biochemistry. He was an NIH post-doctoral researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. He is part of a 2-men team with Dr. Benjamin Savasky to develop "Wire-2-Wire" a product which leads to better heart health, helps control cholesterol, boosts testosterone, helps prevent diabetes, improves the immune system and delays aging, which also increases energy. The ingredients of "Wire-2-Wire" including CoQ10, have a major effect in the increased antioxidant capacity that allows the horse to remove the damaging effects of a strenuous workout and reduce harmful by-products produced by its environment.