Ms. Nancy  Mueller

Ms. Nancy Mueller

Growing up with questions about what had been done TO me created a strong belief that there were many things I would never be able to do, be or have in my life. This left me with very little motivation to attempt anything in my life that could be a cause for greatness! As I hesitantly accepted the journey on my path to greatness I realized that I can take something fragmented and make it whole again by learning that every struggle and heartbreak is an opportunity for growth and acceptance of “self”. While trying to understand the basis of my own beliefs, I came to accept that I am a change- maker! I am a visionary who has an inexplicable ability of transforming things that are undesirable into things that are exceptional ~ I know this because I was my first transformation! Learning to master my own beliefs empowered me to leave my corporate job as I chose to coach women full time to master their own beliefs to reach their full potential.