Benjamin Quinto

Benjamin Quinto

Benjamin Quinto, a youth advocate, movement strategist, and activARTistâ„¢. In 1996, at age 18, he authored a proposal for a United Nations Youth Assembly. "I believed that, Youth Assembly or not, we would build a network of like-minded peers, so that in 20 years' time a global network of friends would prevent us from ever pressing a button that would bomb anywhere they lived." His efforts evolved into the Global Youth Action Network (GYAN). As its founder and executive director, he led GYAN to become one of the most expansive youth networks in the world, connecting thousands of organizations in 180 countries, and mobilizing millions of young people. Now, Benjamin has embarked upon a renewed journey of self-discovery. He says, "Ten years later, I am learning who I am all over again." Listen to this episode of Leading Conversations with Cheryl Esposito us as Benjamin shares what he has learned from youth around the world, and where these experiences will lead him next.