Susan  Gala

Susan Gala

Susan Gala empowers women through a combination of feminine self-care tools and creative exercises to restore their pelvic core. Women discover how to tune into their body as a vital source of energy.
Susan Gala created “Feminine Fitness from Within™” a Holistic mind-body-spirit healing program that helps women bring awareness to their root energy in the pelvic floor. This practice educates women on the physical stability for functional living, and the emotional healing to re-ignite the power of their womb energy. Her programs & offerings help women turn pain into pleasure. Susan will guide you to rediscover your sacred body for vitality, well-being and intimacy.
She is trained as a Licensed Massage Therapist and certified in Integrative Pelvic Floor & Core Techniques, Pelvic Pain Relief, The Female Pelvis and its Cycles,Womb Healing and STOTT Pilates.