Chris  Gilbert MD, PhD

Chris Gilbert MD, PhD

Dr. Chris Gilbert, MD, PhD is an author, speaker, and physician with expertise in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Bio-identical Hormones, Supplements and Gestalt Therapy. She understands how the body works and often asks the question: “If your body had a voice, what would it say?”
Dr. Chris Gilbert received her MD PhD in 1981 from the Faculté de Médecine, Cochin Port-Royal in Paris, France. Her PhD thesis focused on novel dialysis techniques for kidney failure.
In 1995 Dr. Chris joined the Screen Actors Guild/AFTRA (member 10138876) and began to appear in acting roles in both television and film.
Dr. Chris Gilbert also served as a medical advisor to The Closer in 2009 and CSI NY in 2009 and 2015.