Olivia  Ward

Olivia Ward

Olivia's biggest motivation for going on NBC’s The Biggest Loser was being 261 pounds, 35 years old and diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and being told she would likely never have children if she didn't lose weight. As an opera singer, she was also tired of losing coveted roles to people who looked healthier - it wasn't enough to just have a great voice. She received a degree in vocal performance at the University of Alabama, and master's degrees in vocal performance and opera performance from the New England Conservatory of Music. A poor diet and no exercise led to her obesity, and the weight gain continued as she was diagnosed with PCOS when says she "completely gave up."
After spending 22 weeks on the Biggest Loser Ranch, Olivia lost 129 pounds and gained a new happier and healthier life.