Heidi  Connolly

Heidi Connolly

When her husband Randy transitioned in 2012, Heidi Connolly’s life took a dramatic turn. The challenges of living without her spouse were huge, but there was something more revelatory. Owner of Harvard Girl Word Services for over 20 years, Heidi focused on the work of others and was lauded for “channeling their messages”. What a valid descriptor that was. In her award-winning book Crossing the Rubicon, written with Randy after his passing, Randy informs Heidi that the grieving process can act like a filter to block out spiritual messages. Upon learning this truth she realized she was capable of much more than she’d ever given herself credit, including her ability to communicate with the Other Side. Randy also encouraged Heidi to play the flute again after a 25-year hiatus from her classical music career. Heidi soon began channeling what Randy called “inspirationally guided flute music.” Currently, she practices intuitive coaching, music, and living life as a “Vacationing Angel.”