Ali  Boone

Ali Boone

From the minute I first walked into the gray cubicle I was assigned for my first engineering job, I knew I needed out. I wanted to be my own boss, I wanted to be a creative engineer rather than a technical one. It took me five years to find a way out of corporate. I started my first year of business on food stamps. I ended year five of business having facilitated over $18,000,000 in real estate sales. During those years, I slept-in nearly every day, I traveled anytime I wanted to, I got another graduate degree, and I became an avid volunteer. Was it without any stress or mental collapses? Absolutely not. That's part of entrepreneurship! I teach flying as a fun side gig. I volunteer monthly in California state prisons. I am in love with my little Pekingese doggie. Oh, and of course I work but I only do it when it is convenient around everything else I have going on. I love working late nights because I don't have any interruptions and I'm certain that I'm smarter after 9pm.