Stephanie Larson

Stephanie Larson

Stephanie Larson, DFB, CD(DONA), CBE, BFA is the founder of Dancing for Birth™, a program Larson’s experience as a doula and mother of mother of 4 with her passion for dance and fitness in a program that teaches a “language of movement” perfect for women in any stage of pregnancy and postpartum women wearing their babies in soft slings or wraps. A leading expert on using movement to support safer and easier birth, Larson focuses on teaching women how to harness gravity and move their bodies during labor for more satisfying births and postpartum experiences. Larson founded Dancing for Birth™ in 2000, when she realized that the love of dance, which had helped her give birth naturally, was helpful to her doula and childbirth education clients too. Currently, DFB is available on 4 continents. An experienced speaker, Larson has presented about DFB at Lamaze, ICAN, DONA, CAPPA, CIMS, ICEA, and several major networks. She is available online at