Tiffany Marrero

Tiffany Marrero

Person living with HIV who is unapologetically black, sex-positive, pro U=U OH and Polyamorous. Social Worker with a taste for all that is taboo, if you don’t want to say it. I will. Creator of #undetectablepussy Working on YouTube/blog around how I navigate my sex life around outdated HIV laws, sexual taboos, social stigma and disclosure. in the process of writing my first book “ HIV never looked so sexy..A millennial spin on f*cking while Poz. What does sex mean to a PLWH who is also sex positive and lives in the south and is blackity black black? How can society better support WLWH to negotiate safer sex practices? How does ARTs affect sexual drive and pleasure for WLWH? Sum it up: What are the social drivers that negatively affect the sexual explorations of WLWH? I live it and so I speak on it. S*cking,F*cking, and educating, duh!