Rev. Diane Berke & Jon Ramer

Rev. Diane Berke & Jon Ramer

Rev. Diane Berke is the founder of The One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. Jon Ramer is the co-founder of The Compassion Games and the Synergized Impact Network Exchange which produces programs on Social Media. They and a number of UNITY EARTH network leaders, along with indigenous elders and religions and spiritual leader will be livestreaming a Ceremony and Launch of the World Interfaith Harmony Week as part of the Feb. 1st Leadership and Visioning Event of The New York Convergence. One Spirit is a co-sponsor of this event of the New York Convergence weekend, and The Compassion Games are a partner of UNITY EARTH. One Spirit and The Compassion Games also helped lead UNITY EARTH's Pre-event Program at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions in Toronto, Canada. The Feb. 1 livestream can be found at and at "SINE" and Jon Ramer on Facebook (there are daylong segments with the concluding ceremony at 3:30 PM EST).