Dr. Dan Shoemaker

Dr. Dan Shoemaker

Dr. Dan Shoemaker, PhD, is Professor at the University of Detroit Mercy and author of ten books on cybersecurity for publishers such as Taylor and Francis, Cengage and McGraw-Hill. Dan is the Graduate Program Director and the Principal Investigator for the Detroit-Mercy NSA Center of Academic Excellence and formerly Chair of Workforce Training and Education for the Department of Homeland Security Software Assurance Initiative. Dan is also a contributor to the DHS Build-Security-In website. Dan has written hundreds of papers and articles on cybersecurity and software engineering topics in his thirty-five-year career. He has also been involved in the development of a number of national and international models for the field. That includes the DHS-CBK for Software Assurance and the NIST NICE Workforce Framework as well as the newer CSEC2017, which is the ACM sanctioned common body of knowledge for cybersecurity education.