Gabrielle Jimenez

Gabrielle Jimenez

At the age of 40-something Gabrielle Jimenez changed her whole life by going back to school to become a nurse. In her book Soft Landing she shares how she became a hospice nurse; reliving the struggles and obstacles that repeatedly tried to get in her way. As a hospice nurse, she’s held hands, hugged and cried with loved ones who had to say goodbye to someone they love. She’s felt their pain, sadness, and loss, and in some cases, their relief when someone they love took their last breath. She’s been inspired by culture, tradition, faith and deep love and learned many lessons about life through death; the most humbling is about being fully present for someone else, and remembering that this is not about her. Her advice is to not wait for the bedside to say, “I’m sorry”. She says all we can count on is right this second; making each moment matter, living a life filled with honesty, kindness and love, and not leaving this life with regret.