Bill Gladstone

Bill Gladstone

Bill Gladstone founded Waterside Productions, Inc. in 1982 and has personally placed more than 5000 titles with dozens of publishers. He has represented stars of the technical world ranging from Peter Norton to Linus Torvalds and was responsible for selling the first “For Dummies” book, Dos for Dummies by Dan Gookin, which led to the phenomenal series selling over 200 million copies. Mr. Gladstone is also the author of DR. AND MASTER SHA: MIRACLE SOUL HEALER, the best-selling novels THE TWELVE and THE POWER OF TWELVE, co-author with Jack Canfield of THE GOLDEN MOTORCYCLE GANG as well as producer of the film TAPPING THE SOURCE and co-author of the book TAPPING THE SOURCE (released in paperback as THE COMPLETE MASTER KEY SYSTEM). Mr. Gladstone is the host for the public television series Inside Wellness and also the series Soul Healing Miracles with Dr. and Master Sha.