Mallku Aribalo

Mallku Aribalo

Mallku is an Andean spiritual leader, writer and promoter of the Inka history, and has been studying for many years the power places of the Andes. The Andean architects, were not only the builders of incredible structures, but also the masters of the power lines (ley-lines as known in western geomancy) existing in the world. He has made and uncovered significant discoveries about these geo-magnetic forces. Mallku leads us on an enlightening pilgrimage from sacred sundials and dimensional portals, to healing springs and celestial mountains in Peru. Is the director of the travel company "Pachamama Journeys" specialized in the organization of shamanic retreats in Peru. Is the author of the books: “The Awakening of the Puma,” “The Crystal City of Machu Pijchu,” “Inka Wisdom” & “Inka Power Places."