Ethan Dohrmann

Ethan Dohrmann

Ethan Dohrmann is 13 years old and has been playing piano for 6 years. He started in first grade with Kia in an afterschool music program and has developed a gift for composing his own pieces. Has a passion for classic composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach. He has a fondness for Jazz, Contemporary and classics pop and rock. Ethan performs songs at local retirement centers in the North County San Diego area during his summer breaks. Ethan’s other performance pieces include songs by Queen, Elton John, and Frank Sinatra. Ethan attends Double Peek School. Piano has become an outlet for Ethan which allows him to find his happiness and peace when he plays the piano or composing. Ethan hopes to develop his gift further by learning how to produce and record his own songs.