Lauren Gadol

Lauren Gadol

Gadol attended Florida Atlantic University in Boca, Florida, where she was admitted to the communications program as a freshman. She began studying multimedia journalism and graduated from Florida Atlantic in August. Fast forward and Gadol is already en route to achieving her Master’s Degree in American Journalism from New York University. “If I could choose to leave behind something great? I would like to use an eventual platform to help the homeless,” she says. Eventually, Gadol would like to be creative director behind a “Humans of NY”-esque docuseries profiling individuals under the age of 25, shedding light on their journeys and struggles within the music industry, and providing them with a voice and a platform to showcase their talent. Even this isn’t exactly what Gadol would call her end goal. With her sights set on a master’s in journalism and a law degree, and a desire to help her community, Lauren is on her way to that something great.