Judy Lager

Judy Lager

Judy Lager is a personal trainer with 16+ years in the fitness industry. She teaches group fitness classes at several different locations as well as working with people individually, in studio, at home and online. Along this journey Judy has mentored multiple people as they transitioned from participant to instructor, hopes that in some small way, she helped inspire them. Personal training was added because she realized that she wanted more in-depth knowledge in order to help her clients further. Being inside the big box gyms, she realized that something was missing. Trainers 40+ were lacking yet so many of the clients were 40+. And for many people, especially women, having a 20 something trainer or a big box gym is overwhelming and intimidating. Understanding that our goals are very different now than they were 20 some years ago and that so many of us do not want to fall into the stereotype of “OLD”. The realization that our bodies are not the same as in our 20’s and honoring and resp