Natasha Freedman

Natasha Freedman

Alexandra Levine was born and raised in Sarasota, FL. At the age of 18, Alexandra went to Israel and lived there for a period of time working with the IDF(Israeli Defense Force) and the Israeli National Guard. Politics has always been a part of Alexandra’s life, but she didn’t get fully involved until the 2016 election. Alexandra started the Jews 4 Trump movement in Sarasota County and also became the State leader for Florida, Maryland, and DC for the America 1st Coalition running multiple campaigns. When the President and founder of #JEXIT, contacted Alexandra to be one of the founding members of #JEXIT and to join the board, Alexandra knew this was her calling. Since then Alexandra,( a young Jewish millennial herself), has dedicated her life to educating and inspiring young Jewish millennials to combat anti-Semitism, the persecution of Christians and other minorities. As a result, Alexandra became a national faith leader for the White House.