Bias and Burnout 10 Power Moves for Healthcare Workforce Equity

Bias and Burnout 10 Power Moves for Healthcare Workforce Equity

Racism is a public health crisis. America’s workforce risks physical and mental breakdown from systemic racism in business and industry, especially healthcare. We can close health disparity gaps to achieve equity. Is your job making you sick? Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed by mistreatment at work? Is discrimination keeping you from success in your career? When you are burdened by bias, the unresolved conflict damages you and puts your health in risk. Are you willing to reclaim your power? If so, Bias and Burnout offers a way to redefine employment as empowerment. Author Glennae Davis, RN, shares the lessons learned as a registered nurse who challenged institutional racism at a major U.S. hospital. The resulting retaliation produced a hostile work environment that nearly destroyed her health. She applied the gospel and nursing principles to overcome bias and develop power moves that anyone can use to achieve health equity.