Jen Hutchison

Jen Hutchison

After a successful corporate career, Jen Hutchison established Journeys to Words Publishing in 2018 and launched in mid 2019. She’s fulfilling a life-long dream – to write, to be amongst writers and to reach out to readers. Journeys to Words Publishing is focused on the work of mature-age writers. As the result of her studies for a Master in Writing and Publishing, Jen is a professional editor with a passion for helping writers be the best they can be, developing their craft and aiming for the stars. She’s an articulate and practiced speaker and mentor. Three books were launched in 2019 – Motherling in May, featured in the Australian Women’s Weekly and with Myf Warhurst on ABC National Radio. Motherling is a warming and affirming memoir of a mother’s (Jen Hutchison's) 800 kilometre walk along the Camino de Santiago in Spain, with her son’s ashes. Jen’s second book, Bourke Street, My View from Here, is an absorbing in-conversation with Tony Brooks with strong social comment.