Let It Flow

Let It Flow

Brian Mohika’s book, Let It Flow, addresses the behind-the-scenes details of how this nurse launched his business, with all its successes, struggles and the exhilarating process of taking an idea for a Medical Device (Cathwear) from a desire to help others, to idea, real model, manufacturing & sales. The reader will find tips to start a business of their own, step into the unknown & act upon their own creative energy to meet a need, previously impossible. Let It Flow is filled with inspiring stories, showing the required character and courage to reach success. Brian Mohika demonstrates both as he shares the realities of bringing THIS idea to fruition in a book part "how-to" & part Biography of "how-I-did". Cathwear is an international company that has won several awards and is meeting needs of clients worldwide. Brian truly is a model of the Innovation and get-it-done spirit of SO many nurses in this Profession.