Shelly McDermott

Shelly McDermott

Mechelle McDermott experienced extreme adversity growing up. In the space of a few years beginning at age 16, she was forced to cope with the suicidal deaths of her mother, her father, and two siblings. A few years later, two of her nephews and her son-in-law took their lives. As her other siblings spiraled out of control with drug use and mental health issues, Shelly watched in silent horror while figuring out how to escape the devastation. Today, Shelly spends her time helping others to identify a path to recovery and gain victory over discouragement, depression, despair, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, etc. Shelly has authored several books on overcoming trauma and adversity, and while she uses spiritual principles to empower her readers, she also helps them to identify the connection between unresolved emotional trauma and their physical health problems. Shelly graduated from Utah State University, raised 7 children, and has 15 grandchildren. She is married to Reed McDermott.